Holistic Illness Protocol

Begin all protocols at the first sign of illness!  All of these doses are the recommendations for adults.  For kids under the age of 10, please call the office to verify appropriate doses.

  • Water—Drink plenty of reverse osmosis water to flush the toxins from your body.
  • Vitamin C every 2 hoursAller-C: 2 caps (1000mg)  every two hours, Buffered C powder: 1 scoop every two hours.  (If you are trying to prevent catching someone else’s bug, just take either 3x a day)
  • Vitamin D:  Increase to 50,000 IU’s a day until symptoms subside
  • Zinc: 100mg a day (for prevention of illness, you can take 30mg)
  • GlycoBalance Aloe Immune Matrix—2 scoops per day in water or applesauce
  • Probiotic—30-100 billion 3x a day
  • Silver—1/2 tsp 3x per day orally; 7-10 drops in each nostril every 3 hours OR 3 to 4x a day.
  • Liquid Iodine: Add 30 drops of iodine (purchased at RWC) to an oz of silver to use nasally (7-10 drops of the solution in each nostril)
  • Quercetin: Take 500mg a day
  • Oscillococcinum: A homeopathic to help reduce flu-like symptoms. Take as directed at the first sign of illness.
    • If you experience diarrhea at any time, reduce the dosage

Starve a cold:

  • Chicken soup—Eat only chicken soup or turkey soup - soup morning, noon, and night. Easy digestion allows your gut immune system to focus on fighting the infection and healing your body. (Keep homemade chicken soup in your freezer, so it's readily available when needed—you won't feel like cooking when you're sick.)
  • Rest—Take a nap. Go to bed early. Sleep. Allow your body time to heal.
  • Fresh air—Weather permitting, open windows to air out your living space, especially sleeping and recuperating areas. Even in severe weather, airing out a room for just 10 minutes is beneficial. An air cleaner is also helpful.
  • Sunshine—Weather permitting, expose your face and bare skin to at least 20 minutes of sunshine each day. Breathe deeply. Increase Vitamin D this helps your immune system fight infection.

Feed a Fever:

  • Hot baths—Take hot baths with 1/4 cup sea salt/Epsom salts or 1/4 cup dry mustard spice.
  • Humidifier—Humidity is beneficial, especially for a cough.
  • Hot water bottle—If experiencing chills, a hot water bottle can be comforting.
  • Warming socks—See below.

Fever is the body's way of fighting infection so allow it to run its course unless it gets above 104. Please call our office if your fever exceeds 104.

Specific protocols for specific symptoms:


  • Magnesium citrate—1-2 capsules before bed.  If bowels do not move increase dosage until they do.  If you experience diarrhea back off on the dosage until bowels normalize.
  • Calms powder: another form of Mag citrate.  Start with 1 tsp in water before bed and build to bowel tolerance.
  • Smooth Move Tea: Traditional Medicinals brand.  Available at King Soopers, Natural Grocers, Sprouts.
  • Youth Flow: a bulking laxative and digestive aid.  Take as directed
  • Aloe Vera Juice 1-2 Tbsp 3x a day. if you experience diarrhea, back off the dosage until your bowels normalize


  • YUK tea—1 to 2 tablespoons every 2 hours of the tea; (available from The RWC).
  • DGL Powder (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Herbal) (available from The RWC). —1/4 tsp before meals and bedtime or as needed for coughing fits
  • Aloe Vera: 1 Tbsp 3x a day
  • Liposomal Melatonin: low dose (1mg).  Take 1 pump before meals.
  • Black Cherry Syrup: For dry, hacking, non-productive coughs.  1 Tbsp every 2 hours.

Sinus Congestion

  • Silver/Iodine- mix 30 drops of liquid iodine with 1 oz of silver and put 7-10 drops in each nostril 3x a day (There is only one brand of iodine, Life Flow Liquid Iodine, at Natural Grocer’s that is acceptable, the others are too strong and could potentially burn your sinuses.  However, the dosage is only 15 drops
  • Muccinease: 2 caps 3x a day
  • Antronex: 3 caps 3x a day


  • Swab inside of ear with Q-Tip® rinsed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Use Silver nasally but make sure to turn your head side to side so that it can bathe the Eustachian tube opening at the sides of the sinuses (think the far side of your cheekbones)
  • Ear Drops by Gaia's Children Herbs—Available from Natural Grocers. 
  • Garlic and Mullein drops: Wise women Herbals or whatever you can find at Natural Grocers


  • Gargle with salt water—1 cup reverse osmosis water with ¼ tsp Real Brand Orsa Salt or Celtic Sea Salt. Swab inside of nose with Q-Tip® rinsed with salt water.
  • Throat Mist by Wise Woman Herbals
  • Throat Coat Tea by Traditional Medicinals

Something to keep in mind is that anatomically, the eyes, ears, and nose are all connected by a channel of tubes.  When you have an ear infection, you might be told to put silver in your nose so that it can bathe the eustachian tubes, if you have pink eye you might be told to put silver in your eye and nose so that they will drain into each other and so on and so forth.


  • Silver—1/2 tsp 3x per day.
  • Probiotic—30-100 Billion 3x per day.
  • Activated charcoal/Takesumi—Follow package instructions (available from Vitamin Cottage).
  • Bentonite Clay: 1 Tbsp 3x a day with a lot of water.

Pain reliever

  • Pro trauma 2-3 caps 3-4x a day
  • Epsom Salt Bath 1-3 cups of Epsom salts in hot water to relieve aches and pains
  • Castor oil Pack Call the office for directions
  • White Willow Bark
    • 1-2 dropperfuls 3-4x a day in water
    • 400 mg, 12+/adult dosage

Warming Socks

Purpose: To stimulate your body's ability to heal by raising body temperature.

  • Anytime you feel like you're “coming down with something”
  • Congestion in the head, ears, sinus, throat, or lungs
  • Headaches
  • Immune system stimulation


  • One pair 100% wool socks and one pair cotton socks


  • Warm feet in hot/warm water for 5 minutes. Soak feet or take a shower or bath.
  • Run cotton socks under cold water. Thoroughly wring out extra water.
  • Put cotton socks on feet. Cover with dry wool socks.
  • Go to bed, cover with blankets, and avoid getting chilled.

The procedure works best when repeated for as many nights as necessary to improve your condition.

In the morning, you will find the wet cotton socks have dried while you slept and your condition has improved. It's worth a try!


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