Dear Rejuvenate Wellness Center Enthusiast, 

This week, we wanted to discuss stretching and reasons that you may feel "tight" that aren't a reflection of your flexibility. Also, check out this week's recipes, they're extra tasty and Dr P approved! 


What is the goal of stretching?

Many people may think that the goal of stretching is to become more flexible. While this is true, it is important to note that one of the main reasons to stretch is to achieve optimal range of motion (ROM) in the joints. Flexibility can be defined as the ability of a joint to move through its full ROM. Flexibility is also reflection of the nervous system. Stretching what feels tight based on the response from the nerves is often treating the symptom rather than the cause of the tightness. 

What causes tightness?

If you are under physical, emotional, or nutritional stress, the nervous system will respond by 'tightening' certain muscles. Think of this as a protective measure.  If you feel that you need to stretch your neck in the morning, it is possible that your body may be processing stress and translating that stress into your nervous system, resulting in muscle tightness and a stiff neck.  Of course this could be due to your sleeping position, however it could be a reflection of what you ate the night before. Are you sensitive to nightshades and yet decided to add tomatoes on your salad, as well as a side of baba ganoush? Are you sensitive to gluten, but decided to have a bread roll with dinner? Processing these foods causes stress in the gut.  This places strain on the lumbar spine, which in turn affects your cervical spine causing neck pain/stiffness.  

What about hormone imbalances? For example, women with high estrogen levels with respect to progesterone, and men who have low testosterone levels may experience tension in the hips and lower back due to the influence that the ovaries and testes have on the pelvic floor. 

Emotional stress can also cause muscle tightness. Why is this? Have you ever felt the sensation of 'butterflies in your stomach' when you're nervous? This is literally the gut processing your emotional state. Your emotions can directly affect the tension in your muscles. You may feel that you need to stretch, but perhaps a relaxing meditation session is what your body is actually craving.

Are you sensing a theme in the past few newsletters? Heal the gut, heal the body on all levels physical, emotional, and spiritual. 

Should I still stretch?

Absolutely! The goal of sharing these tidbits is to help you to better understand what your body may be processing when you are experiencing muscular tightness. Stretching is still incredibly valuable for overall health.

For example, if you have a job that requires you to sit for most of the day, it is inevitable that your major hip flexors including psoas, iliacus, rectus femoris, sartorius, and tensor fasciae latae will tighten. This places strain on the lower back. The psoas originates from your lumbar spine (the bodies and transverse processes of T12-L5 and intervertebral disks), and inserts on the lesser trochanter of the femur. When you are sitting all day, your psoas is consistently in a shortened position. When you stand up and the psoas tries to lengthen, you can place strain on the vertebrae of the lower back. Stretching the psoas can help to alleviate that lower back tension caused by prolonged sitting. (The stretch pictured at the top of the newsletter is a great option for stretching the psoas and other hip flexors.)

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Also, if you are under stress, the psoas can become contracted and tight. This is in part because the psoas has fascial connections to the diaphragm. What happens when we are consciously or subconsciously stressed? We tend to shallow the breath, decreasing the excursion of the diaphragm, and further tightening the psoas. 

What is this week's takeaway message?

Evaluate why you may be tight before you engage in mindless stretching. Remember that the goal of stretching is to achieve your optimal range of motion in each joint. Also, when you feel tight, take a quick inventory of your current emotional and physical stress levels, dietary intake, and possible hormone imbalances. Then decide if you would most benefit from mindful meditation, a few days of eating soups to help reset the digestive system, or if stretching is what your body needs. Maybe take a yoga or Pilates class to combine mindfulness with stretching. Great combo!


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