Being depressed can make you feel helpless. You're not.  There are many things that you can do on your own to fight back. Adding physical activity, making lifestyle changes, and even changing your way of thinking can help to fight depression. You can start implementing these techniques today. 


Identify the Cause

First, ask yourself why you are depressed. Are there circumstances in your life that are causing your depression? Are you unhappy in your job? Have you been unable to admit that you need to end your marriage? Are you creatively blocked? Are your finances in trouble? Once you can hammer down a root cause of depression, it can be easier to take the necessary steps to move forward. 

Move your Body

Adding exercise and physical activity help your body to release endorphins which act as natural anti-depressants. This is one of the easiest healthy options to help with depression. Better yet, try a new form of movement! Take a dance class, self defense, pilates or yoga class. You could also take your bike out for a spin, or go for a jog around the block. 

Eat Regularly

Never skip a meal. Eat at regular intervals (we recommend every 3 hours) to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce mood swings. Also, remember to eat fat and protein in some form at each meal. 

Set Goals

Each day, set goals for yourself. Keep them small and attainable and complete these goals every day. If you are in an acute state of depression, perhaps you could set the goal of picking out your clothes for the following day before you go to bed at night, or make sure that the dishes are washed at the end of the day. Creating lofty goals while fighting an acute state of depression can set you up for failure and can further the depression. 


While some may feel that they can't get out of bed when they are in an acute state of depression, others can't sleep through the night. If possible, try to get the standard 8 hours. This helps your body to regulate hormone production and will help you to feel energized through the day

Eat A Serotonin-Enhancing Diet

Many prescription anti-depressants act by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin by receptors in the brain, thereby increasing circulating serotonin levels. But you can increase your brain's serotonin levels by eating foods that boost your levels naturally.  Eat a diet rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids (such as wild salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, and anchovies are all great examples of fish with high levels of Omega-3's)  Eat lots of healthy fats like Coconut oil, and meats that are high in tryptophan (free-range turkey for example). 

Try Light Therapy

Light therapy is particularly useful if you suffer from seasonal affective disorder (your mood is affected by winter days that have limited sun) but can also be beneficial to major depression as well.  You can also just get outside to increase your Vitamin D levels. It's a great time to live in Colorado with so many outdoor summer activities!

Cut out Caffeine

You have probably already done this if you are on the Dr P protocol. While caffeine immediately increases dopamine and serotonin levels, over time the continuous overproduction of these neurotransmitters suppresses circulating serotonin levels. This reduction in serotonin affects mood, sleep cycles, pain control, carbohydrate cravings, immune function, and digestion. 


The list of the benefits of meditation is extensive. Reduced anxiety, improved memory, increased immune function, and an improved sense of empathy and compassion are just a few of the benefits associated with regular maditation. We should be meditating daily for optimal mental and physical health. Check out our previous blog post about mindfulness and meditation here:

"There are a wide variety of meditation techniques that you can try, but if you are new to meditation, we recommend starting simply. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Sit in a comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and notice your breathing pattern. Feel free to experiment with different mantras until you find one that is a good fit for you. If that seems intimidating, start with stating "this breath in" with each inhalation, and "this breath out" with each exhale. When the timer goes off, you're done! You could try this in the morning, at the beginning of your lunch break, or before you go to bed in the evening."

Balance your hormones

Through the use of blood and saliva tests, Dr P records hormone levels, and adjusts each patient's protocol to balance thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones. Working to keep these hormones in check can help with mood stabilization. 

Check your supplements

Below are a few supplements that can help with depression. Dr P can use muscle testing techniques to check which supplements your body responds to at your next visit. 




Fish oil (DHA/EPA) 

Vitamin D
St John's Wart


Speak with A Professional

Talking through specific issues can be incredibly therapeutic, especially when speaking with an unbiased third party. Finding someone that you trust to listen and give thoughtful advice can be extremely beneficial when sorting through decisions and challenges. 


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